Spooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple Cups
    Spooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple Cups

Spooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple Cups


  • $ 150.00

Spooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple Cups

The Spooky Tree Flight pays homage to Carthay Circle Restaurant’s history with “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” the resin holder is various shades of brown and is intricately detailed, with the small lines and ridged base creating the appearance of an aged tree.
The tree’s eyes are solid black and a vivid shade of green, surrounded by a forest green gradient. It holds three small ceramic cups inspired by the poison apple as seen in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs;” the cups are green, yellow, and red.
The Spooky Tree Flight comes with a themed box.
This is brand new, in the box (never opened) Spooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple Cups
Spooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple CupsSpooky Tree Flight With Poison Apple Cups