Polaris 280 Pool Cleaner
    Polaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool Cleaner

Polaris 280 Pool Cleaner


  • $ 150.00

Polaris 280 Pool Cleaner

Purchased my house & spoke w owners who left it for me.

I’m a new pool owner so took it to Leslie’s Pool to see if something was broken since I couldn’t figure out how to use it.

No issues with the Polaris! The issue is my pressure from jets aren’t pushing out strong enough so I’d have to purchase a new booster? Or something. I have no idea lol but I’m selling this & just upgrading to a different one. Polaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool Cleaner
Polaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool CleanerPolaris 280 Pool Cleaner