Houseplant Seeds - Tropical Indoor Houseplants - Easy to Grow Fresh Rare Seeds

Houseplant Seeds - Tropical Indoor Houseplants - Easy to Grow Fresh Rare Seeds


  • $ 145.80

Houseplant Seeds - Tropical Indoor Houseplants - Easy to Grow Fresh Rare Seeds

Asparagus Plumosus is one of the fastest growing houseplants you can grow. The plant represents a fern but is actually part of the asparagus family. The seeds germinate best when soaked in a bowl of warm water for 24 hours before sowing. Sow the seeds in 3-inch plastic pots/trays filled with a mildly acidic potting mix, such as a peat mix. Thoroughly moisten the soil before filling the pots, leaving the top inch of the pot empty. Press two or three asparagus fern seeds onto the surface of the potting mix or all 10 in a tray and then cover them with a very thin layer of soil so they are lightly covered but still visible.