Grafted ''Fino De Jete'' Cherimoya Fruit Tree (4+ Feet Tall) - Commercial Variety
    Grafted Grafted Grafted Grafted Grafted

Grafted ''Fino De Jete'' Cherimoya Fruit Tree (4+ Feet Tall) - Commercial Variety


  • $ 147.00

Grafted ''Fino De Jete'' Cherimoya Fruit Tree (4+ Feet Tall) - Commercial Variety

**You are purchasing a tree about 4 feet or more in height. By purchasing a grafted tree, you are ensuring that your tree will produce fruit identical to the named cultivar.

Fino De Jete is the top Commercial Cultivar in Spain and other subtropical parts of Europe. That means this variety produces heavy and consistently.

The fruit also does not disappoint, being a brilliant balance of very high sugar and tangy sweetness. It is also very juicy.

Few varieties of Cherimoya can compete with Fino De Jete

Cherimoya is a tropical fruit native to South America that I personally consider to be among the best tasting fruits. Mark Twain had the opportunity to visit and taste the fruit and said it was the most delicious fruit known to man. Grafted Grafted Grafted Grafted Grafted
Grafted Grafted Grafted Grafted Grafted