Manga collection
    Manga collectionManga collectionManga collection

Manga collection


  • $ 150.00

Manga collection

Manga collection there are partial series and single volumes 30+ volumes. Those on hold are listed below, price is for remaining volumes

On Hold:
Black torch vol 2-5
Restart after going hungry vol 1-2
When a magical pupil smiles
Love of kill vol 2-3
What he who doesn’t believe in fate says vol 2
Play it cool guys vol 1-4
Would you like to be a family
That wolf boy is mine vol 1-2
A condition called love vol 1-4
Phantom of the idol vol 1-3
Liquor and cigarettes

I am not going to send more pictures Manga collectionManga collectionManga collection
Manga collectionManga collectionManga collection