Monstera Albo, Extra High Variegated Monstera rooted and unrooted cutting, misf

Monstera Albo, Extra High Variegated Monstera rooted and unrooted cutting, misf


  • $ 157.50

Monstera Albo, Extra High Variegated Monstera rooted and unrooted cutting, misf

plant options:: 4 leaf rooted plant

In my greenhouse, I have a dedicated section for imperfect cuttings, both rooted and unrooted. To make them more affordable, I offer these cuttings at a discounted rate. Purchasing from this listing means the cutting or plant you order will be one of our extra white high variegation. If you prefer lower color, please check out the other medium-highly variegated misfit listing. r
Keep in mind, we also sell cuttings and plants with no damage as well, which you can find in the other listings in my shop. r
All cuttings have at least one node, although not all of them have an aerial root. It''s important to know that the aerial root is not required for new growth; only the node is required; an aerial root is just a bonus. r
If you''d like to customize your cutting, I offer various add-ons that you can purchase; such as ensuring your cutting has an aerial root, specific varieties like Deliciosa var. or borsigiana var., or choosing between top cutting